All hospitals including the small nursing home types like HH, MH here in tricity of Chandigarh aspire to have the most prestigious speciality services of Cardiac Surgery with them which is not only highly skill oriented but is very man power intensive if you want to save lives. This is the only speciality which gives you seconds to rescue a life in danger and help needs to be in house 24x7. Recently these over ambitious small setups have spoiled the stature of speciality in encouraging the younger generation Surgeons to work without back ups, on refurbished equipment which thankfully Govt is banning them now, cheap reused disposables just for the sake of operating and inturn earning the meager bucks not bothering whether life will be saved or not. All kinds of unscrupulous means to earn extra money underhand even from Govt schemes are adopted in the name of viability knowing Honble Courts have nothing to offer as a quick relief. Years pass on to get small redressal.
This approach in highly critical and skilled speciality has destroyed the image of the speciality and the profession. Crowds gather on each mortality, police uses force still the show goes on.
NABH approvals have become another farce with hired team and hired equipments to fill the forms for approval.
My question is simple:
Can't the Govt ban or bar these small funny setups from operating this highly skilled speciality or makes it mandatory to provide standardised care at these hospital cum nursing homes? It will go a long way to save many bread winners of the families and save huge avoidable losses of life!
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